Hoya Diversifolia


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Flowers: Creamy pale pink with darker pink centers, lasting for several days.
Foliage: Its leaves are thick and oval-shaped or elliptical, and they can grow to be five inches long by two and a half inches wide. The vines can reach eight feet long or more.

Native to the coastal forests of Myanmar, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Sumatra, Malaysia, Singapore, Borneo, Java, and the Philippines.



This is a pretty Hoya that gets pink and yellow flowers. The fragrance is mild, but pleasant. It blooms a lot during the warm weather when mature, but it doesn’t take too long to first bloom. The leaves are large and succulent and they form close together. The plant gets really full quickly. It is native to Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia and Thailand. Care is easy, and it will grow anywhere and do well. Good for beginners.